The Natural Health C.A.R.E. You deserve
Customized Accessible Resources & Education to Build your Health & Wellness

Are you ready to be a Health CHAMP?

Tired of being a victim of chronic Disease, Big Pharma, & a Failing

Health System?

If you're not your own doctor, you're a fool, and The greatest medicine of all is teaching people not to need it.

~ Hippocrates

CHAMP recognizes Different People have Different Needs.

Is C.H.A.M.P. Right For YOU?


• You want to Take Charge of Your Health

You enjoy Group programs

You prefer not to pay for private sessions

You are not seeking assistance with acute issues**

You are looking to uncover root causes of illness

You want to Heal Yourself

You want to learn more about Healthy Meal Choices and Lifestyle Tools

You want expert guided educational and training sessions with access to optimal resources

You want to build and maintain Health Promotion Strategies to ASSURE the process of improving your mental, emotional, spiritual, physical well being over time.


You want your Doctor to Dictate Care
You do not want group sessions*

You prefer to pay for private sessions*

You need assistance with acute issues**

You are looking for symptom care

You need Medical Professionals to Heal

You are seeking access to medical care: medications/surgery

You are willing to spend hours/money to find effective resources on your own

You are looking for insurance to cover your critical care needs to manage medical interventions if you develop a disease in the future.

* The Tree of Life Health Mentorship Program provides more Customized Personal Health C.A.R.E.

** CHAMP is not an Insurance Program and DOES NOT provide Medical care for the diagnosis and treatment of Disease

Sankofa Health ASSURANCE vs. Conventional Disease INSURANCE

Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work.

The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.

Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. ~ Hippocrates

When I founded Sankofa over 17 years ago, my mission was to provide Natural Health C.A.R.E. (Customized Accessible Resources and Education) to as many people as possible. Toward that end, I have delivered countless workshops at no charge. In spite of this, I continue my desire to do more. I realize that people perish not from lack of information, but from lack of support and quality guidance. For decades, I have pondered the question of how to meet this need of providing support in a format that is financially feasible and accessible to the majority of people who, like you, wish to take charge of their health without having to mortgage the house. This is why I am excited to offer you an opportunity to be a part of CHAMP (Community Health Mentorship Program). If this heartfelt program and personal support is something you'd like to experience read more about how you can receive my personal guidance and support in a community of Health CHAMPS for 12 months (or longer).


Learn How this program can help YOU Transform Your Life.

We will help you select a program option that best meets your needs.

Benefits of C.H.A.M.P.





You Learn How To . . .

• Identify & Correct Unhealthy Lab Markers

•Choose & Maintain Correct Food Habits

•Develop & Live a LifeStyle not a Diet

•Burn Fat Not Muscle

•Naturally Balance Your

•Maintain Healthy Blood Glucose Levels

•Identify & Correct Food Allergies

•Correct Nutritional Deficiencies

•Make the "20/80 Flip" *Flip to 80% good food habits


You become knowledgeable & confident about how stay Healthy


You Experience . . .

• Amazing Increase in Energy

• Enhanced Mental State

• Improve Hormonal Balance

• Abdominal Fat &Inches Lost

Noticeable Visible Changes in Skin Health

• Normalization of Blood Sugar

• More Energy to care for Loved ones

• Complements From Associates

• Feel more emotional balance and happiness

• A Bounce Back in Your Step

• Reduced Stress due to Improved Health


You Feel Better Than You Have For Years


You Become Empowered To . . .

• Maintain Healthy Food Habits

• Not Compromise your Healthy LifeStyle

• Stop giving in to Food Cravings

• Maintain Weight Loss for Life - andStop the Yo-Yo effect

• Maintain the "20/80 Flip"

• Be Free of Nutritional Deficiencies

• Be Free of Food Intolerance & Sensitivities

• Promote Prevention & Wellness to loved ones

• Live Free of Lifestyle Induced Medication


You Feel Better Than You Have For Years


Discuss your concerns and questions pertaining to natural healthy lifestyle strategies, and meal planning and preparation with like minded people.




• Targeted Daily Meal Plan

• Easy, Practical Recipes

• Health Tracker

• Weekly Shopping List

• Access to Coaching via Text

• Targeted Daily Meal Plan

• Easy, Practical Recipes

• Health Tracker

• Weekly Shopping List

• Access to Coaching via Text

Membership Discounts

• Preferred Pricing on Lab Testing

• 10% Discount on Supplements ordered through
US Full Script Online Dispensary

• 10% Discount on Retreats/Jumpstart Programs

• 25% Discount on Consultation Services

• 40% Discount on CHAMP membership for
spouse/child in same household


Membership Discounts

Comprehensive Case Review

• 3 Quarterly Progress Sessions

• Monthly Health and Wellness Newsletter

• Access to HEAL THYSELF SYSTEM on Sankofa's
Online Learning Center

• 30 min Goal Setting Strategy Session

• 30 min Transition Session


If you're still not sure if CHAMP is right for you,
Book Your Free Holistic Healing CLARITY APPOINTMENT

The Heal Thyself System

1. HEAL THYSELF - Introduction

This comprehensive program is the first step in a series of 7 that make up Sankofa's Heal Thyself System. You will receive a blueprint of the system to guide you on your personal journey to transform your health no matter what the chronic illness may be body, mind, heart, and soul.


2. ASSESS DON'T GUESS - Become a Health Detective

Are you or someone you love diagnosed with a chronic disease such as Schizophrenia, diabetes, depression, Hypertension, etc.?

In this module we will explore different types of assessments, subjective and objective, that can be used to understand the root causes of challenges you are currently facing with chronic illness.


3. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS - 7 Pillars of Holistic Health

Are you ready to have a more vibrant and passionate love life filled with deeper intimacy between you and your beloved? ​

During this program, we will address many facets of intimacy. We will touch on topics ranging from the anatomy of pleasure to safe sex practices - mental, emot


4. HOLISTIC SEASONAL CLEANSE - Body. Mind, Heart, and Soul

Our 21 Day Program to Renew the Mind & Spirit, Rejuvenate the Heart & Soul,

and Cleanse & Detoxify the Body Temple.


5. E.A.T. TO L.O.V.E. - Live Optimally with Vitality and Elation

Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian!
Confused about what to eat? Break away from the traps of Food Religions and Diet Dogmas.

Find out how to determine just the right foods that YOUR body needs. After all, one man's food can be another man's Poison.


6. REVITALIZE YOU - Your Path to Transforming Stress

In today's western society, we tend to think of health and wellness in purely physical terms. In reality however, the evolution of disease and thus the key to true healing begins with the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person.

This program enables the participant to build resilience by incorporating the healing practices, strategies, and tools of Heart Math.


7. HEARTSONG - Release from Emotional Trauma with SoulFood

We will journey together through the Fruit of the Spirit: Humility, Gentleness, Joy, Goodness, Temperance, Love, Patience, Faith, and Peace.

We will learn how to release emotional, mental and spiritual anchors that prevent us from actualizing the deep sense of healing we seek. We will discover the path enables us to attain and maintain mental and emotional wellness.



C.H.A.M.P. is an annual health restoration program which provides you the opportunity to be a part of an online community via a LIVE ZOOM video meeting room for 60 minute support group calls every other Wednesday.

Groups are 25 people or less. You may choose from the following Eastern Standard Times:

9 AM, 10AM, 11AM,4 PM, 5 PM, or 6 PM.

During these calls you will receive community support as well as my personal mentorship.

My guidance includes integrating and interpreting results from assessments and lab testing, and step by step instructions in creating, implementing and trouble-shooting a customized nutrition and lifestyle plan that is personalized to your unique needs.

You will also be able to communicate with me and other CHAMP members in a private Facebook group. This provides a wonderful way to stay connected to our Global Village of Health.


Once you enroll in CHAMP, please book your appointment for your Private Holistic Health Breakthrough Strategy Session with me.

During this session, I will review your metabolic assessment and give you a Clarity Action Plan with 5 Break Through Insights/Strategies to move your health to the next level including Identify Primary Mental/Emotional Saboteur and the most probable organ/system imbalances. I will also give suggestions for tests that are applicable to you.

After your preliminary consultation, you will be sent to a lab in your area for a Comprehensive Blood Panel. You will then be given a Comprehensive Case Review that includes e report with the results of your test and possible implications, and provide nourishment and lifestyle modifications to address your needs.

Then we will create a personalized wellness plan with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound) goals to get you started on your journey toward optimal holistic health.

BodySite Portal

You will also have access to an online health portal filled with empowering videos, audios and materials.

Additionally, you will be given access to our Digital Guidance app which allows you to communicate with me and track your metabolic markers and body symptoms, food intake, exercise, sleep, elimination, and meditation.

BodySite also provides you with fitness and meditation plans, over 20 meal plans that are complete with recipes, menus, shopping lists, and food prep videos.


CHAMP benefits include discounts on products and services. Save Money on Sankofa Programs, Consultations, Retreats and Services, and Professional Grade Supplements from Industry Leading Quality Quality Manufacturers.

​​​As a Special Reward for your commitment to your health, you will receive a $200 Sankofa Gift Certificate when you renew your membership for a second year, $400 the third year, $600 the 4th year, $800 the 5th year, and $1000 every year after!!! Yes, you read correctly, after 5 years you will have a net cost of $0 for Natural Health C.A.R.E. - MY DREAM COME TRUE.


When you sign up for our newsletter, you will be exposed to an entirely new way of looking at your health. Each newsletter provides strategies that will empower you to create your ideal life.​​

Once you sign up for our newsletter, you will begin receiving a newsletter from our office every other week.


When you register for the course, you will receive training videos on Why People Don't Heal and how YOU can.

You will also receive our Special Report on Integrative Natural Health C.A.R.E. and our e-book Blood Nutrition: Using the Secrets in Your Lab work to Customize your Nutrition Plan.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Michelle Gamble and her associates. Dr. Gamble encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Dr. Gamble does not practice conventional medicine. More specifically, she does not examine, diagnose or treat, or offer to treat or cure or attempt to cure, any mental or physical disease, disorder or illness, or any physical deformity or injury; and Dr. Gamble does not recommend or prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Michelle Gamble and her associates. Dr. Gamble encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Dr. Gamble does not practice conventional medicine. More specifically, she does not examine, diagnose or treat, or offer to treat or cure or attempt to cure, any mental or physical disease, disorder or illness, or any physical deformity or injury; and Dr. Gamble does not recommend or prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.