"Go Back and Fetch It"


"Go Back and Fetch It"


Live Optimally with Vitality and Elation

Let food be thy medicine and

medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates

Making Healthy FOR YOU Food Choices

Many of us are seeking ways to improve the quality of the meals we prepare and consume. What is best? Keto? Paleo? Vegan? Raw? It can all be soooo confusing. The Eat To Live Program focuses on teaching the basic principles needed to prepare foods that not only tasty and nourish the body but also promote healing and well being by addressing YOUR unique bio-chemical, and personal needs.

Eat to LOVE is designed to provide you with the essential A,B,,C's of optimizing your nourishment in three simple steps.

• Module 1: Assess: Learn how to use at home tests and assessments to determine your which foods are best for your specific bio-individual needs!

• Module 2: Build: Explore ways to build your overall health and well being with foods that are GOOD for YOU.

• Module 3: Cleanse: Empower your Body, Mind, Heart and Soul to release toxins to optimize your health

Workshop Topics Include:
Nutrition Basics
Soul Food
Science based tests - Not Best Guess
Dangers of Diet Dogmas and Food Religions
Eating for Brain Health
Eating for Emotional/Mood Balance
Eating for Hormonal Balance and Restoration
Time and a Place for Everything
Purposeful Eating
Food as Medicine
The GoldiLocks Principle of 10/80/10
One Man's Food can be YOUR POISON

Theory without practicum does not a healthy person make.
At Sankofa, we believe in helping you become empowered with practical and easy to implement information and tools.
Subsequently, we provide you with food preparation
demonstrations which are designed to show people how to prepare healthier foods that are tasty & nutritious; and are a crucial component of most of the center's programs.

Meals are prepared without the use of refined foods, sugar, white flour, salt, milk, etc. You will be shown how to use quick and easy recipes that incorporate foods such as a diversity of whole foods: herbs, fruits, vegetables, tubers, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, coconut
oil, tofu, tempeh, ferments, non-dairy
milks and other items that have been scientifically shown to reduce the likelihood of falling victim to various forms of disease that are prevalent in today's society. Then we will EAT TO LOVE!!!​​

Food Prep Demos Include:
Healthful Beverages
Quick and Wholesome Breakfast Meals
Well Balanced Dinners
Lively Lunches​
Heavenly Desserts and Snacks

Most importantly, you get to choose the level of support you wish to have from three different options.

1. DIY (Do It Yourself) - Our online program gives you access to the modules with over 35 Training videos and a resource library filled with Informational Documents and assessments.

2. DWY (Done With You) - If you are looking for more support, you can select our 3-Month Unlimited Personal Coaching Planand/orbecome part of our 30Day group Eat to LOVEJumpstart Program which includes: 1 yr access to the Online Course, 1-months access to MBody 360 Meal Plans/Recipes/ShoppingLists/Health Tracker, and 4 Weekly Live Mentorship sessions with Q&A. During our time together we will enjoy learning about, preparing and eating good food with good company.

3.DFY (Done For You) - Feeling overwhelmed and/or just want a bit more one-on-one hands on assistance? Join us at Sankofa Healing Sanctuary for an All Inclusive Healing Transformation Retreat with the theme(s) of your choice. Allow us to provide you with Optimal Natural Health CARE for the Body, Mind, Heart and Soul as you take a break from the Ordinary to experience the Extraordinary.

Not sure which option is best for you? Book a complimentary Clarity session with us for more details.

All EAT TO LOVE Programs Include

All EAT TO LOVE Programs Include

30 Day Access to Wellness App

• Targeted Daily Meal Plan

• Easy, Practical Recipes

• Health Tracker

• Weekly Shopping List

• 30 Day Access to Coaching via Text