FAQ Video Interview Transcript with Highlighted Questions and Time Stamps

FAQ Video Interview Transcript with Highlighted Questions and Time Stamps

Thomansine: [00:00:01] Hello my name is Thomansine Ricks and I am here today with Dr. Michelle Gamble and Sankofa as I am a prior client, current client of hers. And as we work on as individuals work on making things better in their lives health has to be a part of that. It has been that for me it has been a journey as I'm trying to work on my own personal health. But then I know from my own experience that there are challenges that go along with that. And I have some questions that I think some of you may have some concerns about and I'd like to take this time to ask Dr. Gamble if she wants to allow some time to answer those most frequently asked question. Questions I know you have which you just don't know how to get it out or what to ask as it relates to Sankofa and the services that are provided by Dr. Gamble and her staff. And so welcome Dr. Gamble. Thank you for allowing me to ask these questions. And can I just to start out with just getting a feel for when I came to you I had some concerns questions health problems and I know that there are others out there with the same kind of questions and I just want to get you to answer the question What should anyone with any type of health problem wherever they are in their costs of addressing their health concerns. [00:01:40] What should they expect in a preliminary consultation with you and the staff at Sankofa? [7.0]

Dr. Gamble: [00:01:48] Well first of all I want to say thank you Thomansine for being a part of this. You have your you're very modest. That's the first thing I want to say because you have been a student working on your health for oh my gosh has it been like 10 years at least at least. And I think you are the perfect example of what people can expect. What you can expect is the beginning of a journey that will continue throughout your life. During a preliminary consultation the first thing we do is get to know you get to find out what is it that is challenging you right at this point in time and to find out a little bit more about some of your symptoms. Some of the difficulties that you are facing as well as looking at what are the different things that you've tried. You know most of the people who come to Sankofa they've been through in several different practitioners and. And. Most of those practitioners are very good in their own right. And you know I need to know a little bit more about your journey and what it is that you've been going through and more importantly what your goals are. So that's what you're going to expect during a preliminary session for us to get to know that little bit of information about you looking at what your goals are looking at what your symptoms are and most importantly to give you an understanding of how we could possibly assist you in your journey. Or. Maybe it may be a case where I say you know I think I want to refer you to one of my colleagues. You know because. I cannot assist every single person there. You know I want to be very transparent and upfront from the very beginning. And last but not least to give you an idea of how long it's going to take. You know again for most of the people who come to me have been dealing with chronic issues for a long time we're not looking at a quick fix we're not looking at something that's going to take say a couple of weeks. We more than likely we're looking at something that's going to take at least three to six months and for some people maybe even as long as a year because the problem the root causes are so deeply ingrained in their persons.

Thomansine: [00:04:07] And I remember that completely whenever I came to you there was that prelim where I had to really delve into what I was dealing with and it went deeper than just what I was dealing with on the surface. I remember that so well and there will be people I heard you say that will come to you and you trying to figure out if you're the right match. [00:04:28] Who would you consider to be a person that would be a good candidate for your program? [4.7]

Dr. Gamble: [00:04:34] The person that's a good candidate is the person who has come to the end of the road you know and said you know what enough is enough. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired I'm tired of popping pills. I'm tired of just dealing with the symptoms. And I really want to get down to the root cause. Because I consider myself to be a roots doctor. You know if you want to find out what at the bottom of that that. Excavation site. I'm the person to come to because I want to be that detective. The other thing is that the person who wants to be a right fit for Sankofa is someone who realizes that hope is not simply about popping pills isn't even only about you know eating organic foods and grass fed chickens and things of that nature. Health, a big part of health is learning to deal with our stress. And learning to acknowledge the things that drain us emotionally mentally physically as well as spiritually. So the right fit person is someone who is going to be willing to make that journey within because really and truly your healing has to come from within. I am just the guide. I'm just a facilitator. You're going to have to do 90 percent of the work. And tell you there's. An active. 95 percent of the work. But the flip side of it I agree with you 100 percent credit because nothing I do is as important as what you do.

Thomansine: [00:06:13] And also the benefit 100 percent of the benefit you get 100 percent of the benefit goes to the client that then I know too that you know people have to say the lack of a better phrase bamboozled by certain physicians medical systems and a lot of that has resulted in the same symptomology and a lot of cost that went with it. [00:06:39] What is exactly you know your initial fee for your preliminary consultation? [6.8]

Dr. Gamble: [00:06:46] Well the preliminary consultation since it's just a matter of. Us getting to know each other really and finding out whether or not it's a good fit for them their consultation is just $50. I don't want that to be a barrier. Because. And also because you know I don't want you to invest a lot of money and then you say I don't think I'm ready for that right now. Or. Maybe another day you know. So I really want to give you an opportunity to remove those barriers of finances get to know me to get to know you. And. If it's a good fit you'll apply that $50 to the balance of your program.

Thomansine: [00:07:31] Sound like a win win situation.

Dr. Gamble: [00:07:37] And at the very least you know even if you decide not to work with. My hope is that you will gain some insights during that preliminary consultation that gives you some direction as to what to do next. Like I said I may even refer you to a fellow colleague and say you know what I think the key need to really talk with a chiropractor or have you considered working with such a professional. You know because again I am not the perfect fit or Sankofa is not the perfect fit for everyone in their health and this particular point in time. And my priority at all times is what is in your best interest.

Dr. Gamble: [00:09:15] Well at the preliminary consultation the only thing you need to bring is yourself an open mind you know. And I would say a piece of paper and pencil or a pen because you know as I referred to you in the beginning going to be a student or all student of life. And I also want to be your student because I'm going to be learning from you. And so I want you to document the journey from the beginning. And as we progressed the days weeks and months and maybe even the years.

Thomansine: [00:08:21] Yes and I've known you like you said all these years and I know that to be true. You're more concerned about what's going on with the client and making sure that their health issues are addressed and that they do walk away with that kind of hands on knowledge where they can continue. Unlike walking out of the physician's office or the E.R. and you walk out with a script and all you can do is pop pills and hope for the best kind of thing. I'm not talking about what I think. I am talking about what I know and that's why I threw that in there. But anyway so as a potential client what might they need. What kind do they need to do. [00:09:06] What do they need to do to prepare? Do they need to prepare any kind of way? Do they need anything if they decide to set up a consultation with you? [7.8]

Thomansine: [00:09:46] And while you were talking about that paper. And I know it's not one that I prepared before but when I go into the doctor's office or when I go and I've not been in a while one of the things that they make me do is fill out paperwork that kind of gives them a general idea. Or so what my insurance company is. But what's going on now. Things are pretty much the same. So I guess the question [00:10:13] is there is there any type of paperwork that they wouldn't should look for filling out when they come to see you? [7.5] Because I think I remember filling out some paperwork.

Thomansine: [00:10:25] Well no since your time. That was a long time ago and you did the preliminary come. Back the day we had a paper and pen but now we have become a little bit more technologically advanced. OK. What they will be filling out is a metabolic assessment online and that's done through a Google form that you can access on the Web site. Once you go to the Web site and you click on Health Care. You'll find the leads to go to the Google Google form. Once you complete that form. Actually that is when you would go back to our online scheduler and book your preliminary consultation. Now if you decide to continue in one of our health assurance programs or health restoration programs then you're going to be meeting several different intake form for that is going to really give me a much fuller understanding of who you are and the journey that you to this point in time. So it's a process. But the initially before the preliminary intake or as I said before the preliminary consultation there is that Google form which is a metabolic assessment form that will be completed.

Thomansine: [00:11:43] And I guess you do just a lot of insight before you actually meet the person so when they meet with you. [00:11:49] What kind of time are they looking at as far as spending with in the first consult? [4.0]

Dr. Gamble: [00:11:53] And a preliminary consultation is basically just a 25 minute consultation and that's done either by phone. Or by in us engaging in a Zoom room pretty much like this interview. And it's very short sweet to the point because again it's just preliminary. If they decide that they're going to do a more involved program, that would lead into what's called the Sankofa discovery session. And I think discovery session is a 90 minute consultation in which we do a couple of things. We look at the extensive intake forms that he would have completed prior to that consultation and we also look at any preliminary lab results that you have on hand from prior contact with other health professionals. And during that Sankofa Discovery session we also look at whether or not there are other labs that we should look into in ordering. So those are the things that are done during every recession no kind of suggestions or recommendations occurred during during the sankofa discovery session. We wait on till we get all the lab in. And I'm have the time I have time to really review and reflect all the information that you've given to me during the 90 minute session and then we call you in for what is called the report of findings and during the report of findings that's when we lay out the plan to say that this is the way this is and we're going to go for the guest. And we laid out a plan that includes our three tiered levels which is we start out with detoxification and cleansing. We then go into a rejuvenation plan and ultimately our goal is to get you into a maintenance plan.

Thomansine: [00:13:47] Sounds deep. you do your research you do your research. Can I say one more time? [00:13:53] You use your research and a lot of research - Why? [4.8]

Dr. Gamble: [00:13:58] Think about it. Most of the people who come to me they're in their 40s 50s 60s you know because most people come to me are very mature in terms of how they approach life and what they want to accomplish with their health. So that means that we're talking about 40 50 60 plus years of history that led to where you are now. And when I say that I look at all that I look at all about the not a case where you know like most of the times you go to the doctor you fill out all these wads of paperwork and you go in for your appointment and. In the five minutes that you're there and they ask you the same questions that are on the form that you just completed and you're wondering did you look what I said? You know now this is not what we do. We're going to go back literally and I'm not being figuratively here. Literally. We're going to go back to birth. I'm going to ask you questions. Such as you know did you have a cesarean birth or vaginal. Did your mother breastfeed or were you formula you know going through all of the different childhood illnesses that you can recall or I had to say you know what. I haven't spoken to my mother in months and I had to call her in order to fill out your form. You need that you need to find out what happened during your childhood. I cannot tell you from the time I deal with that issue that began in childhood and because those issues were not dealt with in terms of their root causes. They never sought resolution and never experienced real true lasting healing.

Thomansine: [00:15:43] And all that research and the time that it takes to look at all of those things it is taxing for you. But then if you did it in any other arena or in every arena it comes with a price so I guess in other arenas they accept insurance. [00:16:01] Does your office accept insurance? [2.1]

Dr. Gamble: [00:16:03] Unfortunately no. Unfortunately the insurance model is really a model of maintaining disease and that's not what we're about. We're about eradicating disease. We're about promoting health and wellness. And as you said. We like to consider. The money that you're spending as not being a price tag but rather an investment because you are investing in your future in your health. You know this body that was that we all get one. You know it's not like a car. You know you bang up your car and you total your car and you go get a new car. You know if if your house burns down. God forbid you get a new house. But this body this is the only one in your mind left the only one you're going to get this heart. That's the only one you're going to get during this lifetime. So it's important that we really turn around our perspective on how we deal with health. To view ourselves as being worthy. You know I deal with a lot of women in particular. Where we will spend thousands of dollars on other people from the men in our lives to our children. And find it very hard to spend money on ourselves. Now we may get the hair done, get the shoes, the nails, but when it comes to our health? Oh we sacrifice our health that we come up with all kinds of excuses why we Can't afford. Yet we will spend money on other things. So we're back to a question that you asked for in terms of the right fit for Sankofa. It is the person that says, "you know what? I am all that and I deserve to have the best in health care. And unfortunately at this point in time nine times out of 10. The best in healthcare is not through the insurance model. Now the best disease maintenance. Definitely through the insurance model if you want to. If you want some surgery to go under that's the best place to go. But if you really want to delve into healing yourself really and truly from the inside out both from physically mentally emotionally spiritually then it's going to come with a price tag that unfortunately insurance companies are not willing to pay.

Thomansine: [00:18:39] Yeah. So it really sounds as if you really try to pull all the different tests and all that that goes with it. That's a part of the insurance model that you can get from different doctors offices. And [00:18:57] I think I remember doing that in my own personal experiences going to the. Records department where my son was in the hospital getting all these records getting all of his blood work and stuff and bringing it to you. And so I guess the question is but what about that is that pretty much the same as far as the blood work and other lab tests. How does that play into it if insurance is not accepted? [27.5]

Dr. Gamble: [00:19:25] Well. That is a very good point because I am always trying to find a way to make things more affordable. And if you're paying good money for your insurance you might as well get something out of it. And so with my clients you know as I said during the consultation and also from the Sankofa discovery session we talked about labs that would be beneficial to getting more insight into exactly what we're dealing with because one of my motto's. Lab test. My best guess I'm not in the business of playing Russian roulette and I'm not in the business of guessing. You know a lot of people go through a symptomology charts and things of that nature. And those are good and they have a role to play. However. I am a scientific woman. You know I want to see the numbers and what I want to see scientifically objectively what's going on with the people that I'm dealing with. And so whenever possible I tell people let's go to your primary care provider and ask them if will run these labs. Go to your primary care provider and ask them if they'll do this hormonal panel do do this stool sample the urine test whatever it is. If we can get the primary care providers sign off for the insurance companies to cover it that's fine with me. Unfortunately sometimes. They're not able to do so or sometimes you know your co-pay kicks in and you know you have to pay a $5000 deductible that you have to meet. And so you end up having to pay for the test anyway. But we really try to avoid you having to come out of pocket for things like that.

Thomansine: [00:21:10] I think I remember from my own experiences too going in asking if a certain panel could be added to what the physician already wanted to run. And his question was why I don't have a reason to do that I don't have any justification to do that. And so I'm it's good to know that. I think in the past you have. Been able to request panels through lab testing sources and can things. And so that's a good thing. [00:21:42] So tell us a little bit more than even as we put all that together what is exactly the Natural health C A R E program and what's the initial investment? [11.4]

Dr. Gamble: [00:21:55] Well the natural health care program CARE stands for customized accessible resources and education. And that is what I do. I am here to empower you. I was just speaking to a friend of mine this morning and we were talking about the fact that. Ours is the age of information. And unfortunately with the Internet with Doctor Google you know you go on to Doctor Google and you ask about certain symptoms and you think that you've got everything from. From syphilis to diabetes. You know because everything has. A whole plethora. Of different symptoms. And I guarantee you you can diagnose yourself with at least 50 diseases out there. Same thing with psychiatry every single one of us. Has some kind of schizophrenia or. Some kind of mood disorder that could be diagnosis out there. And so what we're looking at. Is enabling you giving you the tools to be able to sift through all that. And find a way to customize it for you because especially today when you have 50 million to diets you have the paleo, the ketogeic, the atkins, the South Beach you have the vegetarian, the vegan. There are 15 million things out there. And. Everybody. Is Right for somebody. So the question becomes what is right for you at this particular point in time. You know what's right for you today is not necessarily great for you tomorrow. Right. So that's why we customize the program and it's not something that we frankly you know here's your program come see me in another six months and say here's your program I'll see you in two weeks or more. I look forward to getting you texting me or emailing and updating me you know because you were you were on there tracking everything on a daily basis. Certain things to make sure that it was all right. You. And every couple of months we reassess certain markers to see how things have shifted. And then we tweak the program again. So it's customized it is accessible because I'm accessible you know. You're not going to go through 50 million different PA's. You're not going to have to wait in my waiting room for an hour to see me for five minutes. I have what we call virtual online office hours every week. I have office hours in the morning hours and in the afternoon. You can be at work and you can log in and say hey Dr. Gamble, I've got this issue. That this is you. You know or you can send me a can or you can send it through what we call our MBody 360 app. So I'm very much accessible. You know the thing that we look at resources like connect you to various resources in your community on the internet. Books anything that I can think of to assist you. And last but not least education. I know because I am an educator. I've been one for over 25 years. Now instead of teaching math and English so I'm teaching health and wellness Well it all boils down to the same thing empowerment through education. And so that's where our natural health care program comes in. The investment will vary depending on what kind of program is best suited to you and how extensive you want your support system. You know you say Oh so I can just get the online course going on. So that's a minimum investment. You know seasonal cleansing program it can be as low as $195 or you know that you have been dealing with chronic and complex issues for years and it is going to take time, it's going to take constant coaching, and constant education and communication and constantly looking at labs and things of that nature. We have a three month program we have a six month program and we now have a one year program. So depending on how intense you build your support network to be it can range as I said anywhere from $195 to $4000 depending on what you are.

Thomansine: [00:26:42] Dr. Gamble you were talking about the need and you putting out he can be as much as a three month program or a six month program or a year program. And I can recall the last incident with my son. We ended up coming to Sankofa after a two and a half day stay. At the hospital. Two and a half day. And you know of course that. It was a lot of testing a lot of blood a lot of all these kind of things we're talking about an initial investment. We left the hospital two and a half days later. In the same condition. That we were here. When we arrived. But when he got his mail. Because you know he's 19 20 now when we first came to you he was 9 but he's 19, 20 now. And my initial investment I think the most you said was probably three or four thousand dollars per year. But for two and a half days in the hospital his was 7000 plus dollars. Man. But. And we were two and a half day and of course we end up coming to Sankofa. If you recall I think was we were there probably another four or five days we came down in pain from the hospital in pain with no meds with a script given to us at 8:15 in the afternoon. The pharmacy closed at 9:00 so we can get passed around it. So he was in pain all night he was in pain all the way up. But. You know the fact that you were you got information from me over the phone. By way you know I know I'm not advocating talking on the phone and driving by any means. But you were getting the information that you needed to begin to put together something so that when we got there what the episode could begin to subside and I appreciate that. But still talking about that initial investment. We have a $7,000 hospital bill and obviously he still has not paid and the bill we receive from Sankofa was minimal in comparison. But the benefit maximum I think by day two the pain has subsided and he was getting back on track dealing with the health issue that was present himself. So thank you so much for pointing that out. You know that. You know of course it does take a little to get what we need but [00:29:13] Do you have any payment options since there's no insurance to pay now? [6.5]

Dr. Gamble: [00:29:20] Well we accept cash. And credit. And we also have certain installment plans you know where you put down. A deposit and then you can have a monthly installment plan. And the other thing that I want you to really consider is what is the cost of you not investing in your health. A lot of times we don't think about that and I think we've spoken about that also. That not only did you get that wonderful seven thousand bill from the hospitaland that you ended up taking two weeks off from work and. That is a lot of money. And then you think about the pain that you go through. As I said to you before most of the people that will come Sankofa this is not their first stop. This is their stop after years of dealing with chronic issues after. Hundreds if not thousands of dollars spent on medications and supplements. And the million tests I mean usually when people come to me they've got tests that was. Like you came to me with thousands of dollars of testing and yet they send you off saying Oh I don't know what to do with that you're buying. No you don't feel like you know or I give you umpteen medication and you feel worse after the medication and you go before medication. So. Again we need to think about the investment. As it relates to how much it costs you to not make this kind of investment and to really think about all of the cost not only for your person but for your your family in your case it was your son's. Illness that cost you time off from work. So how much time is your illness costing other people. How much money is your illness costing other people. How much discomfort. How much emotional stress does your illness costing the other people in your life. Not just your own. And then when you add up all those costs I think you'll consider that the investment at Sankofa is really minimal.

Thomansine: [00:31:38] What about for those of us who have insurance plans what about the HSA, does Sankofa accept health savings accounts or anything like that? [13.3] How can is can I use those or can we use those and Sankofa.

Dr. Gamble: [00:31:56] Well those are things that you would have to take up with your particular accountants. And the people for a job with regards to the the restrictions of your health savings Plan. Sorry. And we will provide you with documentation and receipts and. Who knows maybe we are moving into a realm where that are going to become more comprehensive in terms of considering what they will accept.

Thomansine: [00:32:27] So what about primary care physician you know that's the big thing now. It's hard to find a primary care physician. But do I need one to do? Does anyone need one? [14.2]

Dr. Gamble: [00:32:41] Oh definitely, you need to keep their primary care physician. I want to make it completely clear that we cannot diagnose treat any type of disease. We are here. For. Dealing with the root causes of imbalances. To give you nutritional support. To give you. Stress management support to give you educational support. But we do not by any means replace the role of primary care physician and also a you remember in your experience as you start to get healthier. You're going to feel certain things start to go. And those are going to be times when you're going to have to check back in with you or with your primary care physician and say you know what I think we need to lower to dose of these medications. As you know for instance if I can share a little bit of your story with your blood with your blood glucose you know after a while. Your sugar kept going down so low. Oh no you have to ask them to take you off with some of that medication. Your primary care physician hopefully will be part. Of our health care team and hopefully I'll be part of your health care team because you have to remember that you're supposed to be the executive on your team. You're going to be the one in charge of this team and you're going to have the responsibility of coordinating all of the different members of the team.

Thomansine: [00:34:17] Because I mean that's something that you advocate that I noticed that and you know over the years is that you wanted me to be more in control of what is happening with me when I go into talk with the primary care physician ask more questions than just you know go on every day he says. And so and that's really really good and I thank you for just reminding us that yeah we need that individual on our team as well. But. And so a little [00:34:46] Can you tell me just a little bit more of that natural health care program. What exactly does it involve? [6.8] I think it involves a lot more than maybe I've heard so far.

Dr. Gamble: [00:34:59] Well there's so many different layers of it. You know the 21 day cleansing program. The various apps that provide you with menu plans and shopping lists and recipes and things of that nature. Then there is the unlimited access to virtual office hours. There's also a variety of different series of private one on one consultations. So. There is our heart math coaching sessions in terms of helping you with stress management and increasing your resilience and your parents. There's just so many different layers of the program that really encourage you to go on to our Web site and on health care and to go and look and feel all of the benefits of becoming part of our. Either Health restoration plan or health assurance plan. And again and those will vary in terms of intensity of support as well as duration.

Thomansine: [00:36:09] So what you're saying then is if a person just says Well I [00:36:12] you know I think that natural care maybe for me but I don't know how do I know or how do they know if they fit the criteria for that? [10.5]

Dr. Gamble: [00:36:23] That is were the preliminary consultation comes in. We look at what your needs are what your goals are. And I would make suggestions as to what each plan would be better suited when your particular situation. So for instance I had a young woman come to me the other day dealing with SIBO which is Bacterial overgrowth within the small intestine. And I said. "you know, realistically speaking we're looking at least six months to a year in order to be able to bring balance to that system. And so at that time she has to decide. Whether or not she wants to invest at that level especially considering she's gone from one practitioner to the other to the other. And a lot of times it's not that what they were doing was wrong but rather that they didn't do it long enough with enough intensity and with enough comprehensive of a scope. And that's what we focus on doing - making sure that we tailor your program that we're not just giving you what you want to hear. You know we all want to hear that this can be resolved in a couple of days. But that would not be me being honest with you. And unfortunately some of us, our conditions will take a long time to resolve. And I'm just going to be very upfront with you about that as opposed to sending you on a wild goose chase and you know bringing all of your expectations high. Like oh yes we can do this in a month. And then you get upset I get frustrated after it does not resolve in a month and I knew very well that it was not going to. So you know I'm very upfront with you also in talking with you. I get to understand what your needs are in terms of how much support you need and I'll be upfront with you about that. So if you need a coach that is going to be there constantly you know saying hey what's up. You know that's what I am going to do and that is a more intensive program.

Thomansine: [00:38:27] And so what you were talking about the young lady you were telling her that it may be six months to a year you know to just bring things kind of back in balance. [00:38:40] So what kind of budget should an individual prepare with in order to have access to additional labs supplementation and that kind of thing what kind of budget should we just anticipate? [21.4]

Dr. Gamble: [00:39:03] Well in terms of the labs as I said before hopefully we can get the majority of them covered by insurance. And the other thing is that there is so much that we can do with food you know. So. It really depends on the person. If you are open to changing your diet and your lifestyle significantly. That is the optimal approach to me I don't like having to suggest fifty million supplements. And in that if that's what someone wants you know I tell them just go to the next natural care provider because that's not what I'm about. I'm about making your primary medicine be your food. And so I tell people all the time is you got to eat any right now. I mean if you go out to Mickey Ds you're spending at least $10 dollars per meal. So if you instead use that $10 to buy things that are going to heal you. You're way ahead of the curve. And so to answer your question in a nutshell it really varies. It depends on how extensive the damage is and on how willing you are to change your eating habits and your lifestyle and exercise and things of that nature. All of that affect how much money you're going to spend in supplementation.

Thomansine: [00:40:35] Yes and of course we all know that it costs a little bit more to eat healthy but it's worth it in the long run because like I say I'm gonna eat anyway so. [9.3]

Dr. Gamble: [00:40:45] Just just to jump in for a minute. That it is I think a misconception that many people have that it cost more to eat healthy when in reality it actually costs less to eat healthy. Because if you think about how much you spend on processed packaged food as compared to how much you would spend on foods. So for instance if I were to buy some potatoes I would spend a lot less than if I went to Mickey D's and bought french fries. But people don't think about it now where the cost comes in is that you know now I have to take the time to prepare to potatoes. With Mickey D's it's convenient. So you are paying a lot of money for convenience. Junk. And it cost a lot less when you really decide to revamp your kitchen and to turn it into a whole foods Medicine cabinet.

Thomansine: [00:41:48] OK great. Thanks for just reminding me of that today. I knew that but thanks for reminding me. So I guess we're now where- How do they gain access to you? Interviews? Consultations? you know you live in Tallahassee. I live in Waycross. But we communicate really good. And so but there are times that I wish that I were there because I like that look right in your face and then gain access to the colon hydrotherapy and things like that. But. [00:42:25] For an individual to start now can they have their stuff done over the web over the phone? [6.2]

Dr. Gamble: [00:42:32] Well you know that's the beauty as I said of of this age of technology you know I we have clients all over the United States. And we're able to assist you in ordering labs all over the United States does not make any difference. And as you can see in this interview we're able to have our consultations right here. You know. And yes they love the personal touch. But you know it's a long drive between Waycross Georgia and Tallahassee Florida. And you know so but if you're up in a drive we're lucky to have you to come into our wellness center and like you said you're able to take the benefits of certain other services like the colon hydrotherapy which we offer only to our clients and then we also have retreat opportunities where you get to interact with us on a more personal level. So there's that option there's also there's always the phone. We do a lot through HIPPA compliant text messaging which comes through a process to make sure that your information is safe. So there are just a variety of ways for us to communicate and to interact in order for me support you.

Thomansine: [00:43:50] And so we've gotten the preliminary consultation the initial consultation out of the way we have all of my information and paperwork and you began to put together a plan. Emotional Mental Physical getting it all together, What should the individual expect that a second and third consultations? [23.7]

Dr. Gamble: [00:44:15] The second the third or fourth consultations. Those are progress consultations and so we take whatever has happened since the previous consultation up until that consultation and we reflect and we review, we make adjustments as needed. And we make a plan for the next couple of weeks. You know it's always tweaking things always getting that input because in reality once you could always realize. That you are a physician or you are. You know yourself better than anyone with any kind of alphabet soup you ever know you and I want you to get to the point where you believe what your body's telling you. Where you believe what your heart is telling you you believe what your mind is telling you. Because that intelligence within you will give you insight. Into what needs to be addressed in the journey. And I wanted to be able to start trusting yourself and bringing that information to the table. You may start doing research and you say, "Hey Michelle, I noticed or I heard about this what do you think about this?" And so we constantly integrate new information new technologies new testing new experiences that you have. Into the plan in order to create a new plan for the subsequent weeks.

Thomansine: [00:45:44] So it sounds like it's something that's ongoing for as long as the client needs assistance as long as they want to come alongside or come on board and do what's needed to get to their optimal health. And so I'm sure there's somebody out there watching this Dr. Gamble that has heard the spiel and they love what they're hearing and they just need to know what do I do now. You know how why I don't have a phone number I don't have a Web site or anything. [00:46:18] So what would you say to that individual. As far as how to get started with their journey? [8.6]

Dr. Gamble: [00:46:27] Well the best way to get started with your journey is to visit our Web site at www.sankofahealing.com . And to just look around the site to see if you get a feel. I truly believe that. Beginning this journey and in allowing us to be your assistance to be you guide be your facilitator. It has to come from your heart. And I want to feel led by your heart. To shows us. To bless us with the opportunity to work with you. And so on the Web site we have quite a bit of information not only about our programs as it pertains to natural health care but all of the different things that we're doing in the community. You can also sign up for our newsletter and also sign up for our online workshops and lunches learn from things of that nature. So that's where you start in educating yourself about the possibility of working with us. And to take it into your heart and to ask the question if this is what is best for you and. To give us an opportunity to meet you through the preliminary consultation so be sure to submit your metabolic assessment form. Once you go to our Web site and click on natural health here. You'll see that there is a tab there. And click on to submit a metabolic assessment made an appointment for your preliminary consultation.

Thomansine: [00:48:02] While there you have it folks. I'd just like to say thank you so much that the gamble for taking the time to answer those frequently asked questions that I know other people I know I had them and now all of you that are watching have and thank you again for your time and again folks. The first step is the best step toward reaching your optimal health. So make that decision today. Thank you. Have a great day. Thank you very much. Bye

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Michelle Gamble and her associates. Dr. Gamble encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Dr. Gamble does not practice conventional medicine. More specifically, she does not examine, diagnose or treat, or offer to treat or cure or attempt to cure, any mental or physical disease, disorder or illness, or any physical deformity or injury; and Dr. Gamble does not recommend or prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Michelle Gamble and her associates. Dr. Gamble encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Dr. Gamble does not practice conventional medicine. More specifically, she does not examine, diagnose or treat, or offer to treat or cure or attempt to cure, any mental or physical disease, disorder or illness, or any physical deformity or injury; and Dr. Gamble does not recommend or prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.