Holistic Transformation Retreats

Take a Break from the Ordinary to Experience the Extraordinary

Sankofa Retreats Uplift the Spirit, Nurture the Body, Enrich the Mind,

and Bring Peace and Relaxation to One's Entire Being.

It’s time for to get away to turn within to your Divine Source and seek holistic healing of your body, mind, heart, and soul. The entire experience of a Sankofa Retreat is profitable; you will be able to completely detach and saturate your entire being in the vulnerary (healing) presence of Infinite Creation. All our programs will help you to feel the peace and wholeness within you, and our teachers will share how to express those qualities more beautifully in all parts of your life.

Our retreats are beneficial for participant of all ages; we use various modalities of learning that activate all the senses and aspects of the whole person (body, mind, heart, and soul). The design of Sankofa Retreats ensures that the benefits of the experience will not be limited to the duration of the program, but will remain deeply integrated into the life of the participant.

Our mission is to educate, awaken, and support individuals to embody their wholeness, and ripen into the fullness of their authentic selves and spiritual development. We are founded on the innate understanding that love is the most powerful force in the universe, we help people to cultivate active, intimate partnerships with the living earth and with one another and thus to be agents of change in the world.

Dr. Michelle Gamble, DN, the retreat director, has been leading individuals and groups on Wellness Retreats for over 15 years. We at Sankofa are known for our exceptional ability for creating retreats to meet the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual needs of our guests. Additionally, we offer the opportunity to integrate a variety of therapies on site including massage, colon hydrotherapy, sauna, ion cleanse, metabolic testing, and much more to ensure the customization of the experience to the specific biochemistry needs of the individual. Our students enjoy "homemade from scratch" therapeutically designed meals with organic foods, herbs, and drinks. Most importantly, we offer a warm welcoming, safe and nurturing environment for healing the body, mind, heart, and soul.

We have 7 retreat themes that people may choose from to access the opportunity of a transformational healing experience of a Lifetime.. Today I invite you to specifically consider our Signature Sankofa Seasonal Cleanse Retreat as we get ready to change seasons, release the old and embrace the new.
This is the perfect 7-30 day "Break away from the ordinary, to experience the extraordinary" for anyone that you know who would benefit from getting away to clear away mental, emotional, physical toxins that are holding him/her back.
Given this perfect supportive environment without distractions, participants are able to FINALLY make breakthroughs needed to Jumpstart their overall wellness programs.
This is the perfect time for a "RESET" .

ThSub-headlinee Sankofa Experience is not one to be forgotten, or to be placed upon the shelves collecting dust along with the manuals of other programs. We emphasis the reality that one can only claim to have truly learned that which one lives. Everything else is a hypothesis waiting to be proven or iscredited. Additionally, we at Sankofa believe that everyone deserves to take a couple of hours or days out of one's busy schedule to come to have a "Sankofa Experience".

We all NEED to be enriched and rejuvenated in one or more areas of our lives. We offer customized on site retreats for individuals as well as the option of various retreat facility settings for groups on land and at sea (cruise ships) around the world. All our retreats are Holistic in nature - for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual healing. Through our programs, individuals gain tools with which to navigate new terrain in these unprecedented times. These tools help us ground in the Earth, uplift in Spirit while being centered
and balanced in our daily lives.

Here are some of the reasons why you should attend our uplifting retreats:

1. You Need Rest

You simply cannot run on fumes forever and fake holistic health for long without burning out. As a caregiver-educator/therapist/parent/pastor, you are constantly and continually pouring into people’s lives through the preaching ministry, counseling, teaching, coaching, parenting and/or pastoral care. A caregiver must first shepherd his/her own soul before (s)he can shepherd others. (S)he cannot give what (s)he does not have. To take a few days to for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rest, restoration, and refilling can be incredibly helpful and provides needed rebuilding of holistic health.

2. You Need Time to Plan

This sort of planning takes a great deal of time and uninterrupted focus. So often you might find yourself moving from one crisis to the next and unable to focus on what is most important–the ministry of the Word and prayer. Many spend all their efforts working for the church they spend little time working on the church. You need concentrated time to focus on the big picture.

Taking the time to seek the spirit guidance in the future prayerfully is good not only for you but also your family. Taking the time away is a labor of love.

3. You Need to Enjoy God – Your Source of Being

Be a lover of God. Long for his presence as a deer panting for streams of water. Do not be so focused on the daily activities that you cease to delight in the one in whose is the reason why you are living. It is often in that busyness that we forget to enjoy His presence. Spending a few days by yourself will bring you to your knees. It provides focus and clarity on the lover of your soul. For who else do you have to talk to but God? Our holistic healing Retreats ushers in a continual conversation with the Creator as you walk with him and talk with him. Pause, come into an awareness of, and enjoy the wondrous truth that the through the Divine Spirit that lies within, you have an unbreakable relationship with the Creator of the universe. What a privilege it is to know her! Take the time away and be with Him.

4. Strength Restored

You might be limited. We all fall exhausted, but it is those who wait on the God who will find themselves with the strength of the Eagle (Is 40). As an individual, you must be someone daily dependent in every season on God, yet it is appropriate to spend some extra time away reminding yourself that it is in Him that you breathe, and move, and find your being.​

Since 2004, we have provided clients with extensive and tailored retreat experiences. A lot of people underestimate the positive impact of an experienced professional and prefer to work alone. However, our Personal Wellness Retreats will put you in the right direction and guide you through every step of transformation process to becoming a new you. Get in touch today and see how you can benefit from A Sankofa Experience. Sankofa's Retreat Programs include the following:

• Dynamic Holistic Enrichment Workshops

• Workbooks and/or Enrichment Kits for participants

• Prepare for Your Retreat E-Guide

• Choice of Virtual or Onsite Retreats for Individuals

• Location/Date/Time of Your Choice for Groups of 5 or more

• Customized to Needs of the INDIVIDUAL or Group

• Professional, Experienced Presenters


1. Determine the dates of your retreat and length of stay (1-3 weeks)

2. Select up to Three Themes from the 7 selections below

3. Schedule your Appointment to Make Your Reservation and Customize your retreat




Learn the basics of natural health and wellness; how disease comes into being and how to promote healing through natural means.

Each person will be guided and assisted in creating his/her own customized wellness program including a detailed regimen for cleansing and detoxification, rejuvenation and maintenance.



During the cleansing process, we must make certain to support the body, mind, heart, and soul in order to enable the optimal performance of basic functions and facilitate the expulsion of toxins which will inevitably be stirred up.

This retreat incorporates the use of the various herbs, vitamins and mineral supplements, and cleansing agents depending on the season and the specific needs of each individual.



Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian!

Confused about what to eat?
Break away from the traps of Food Religions and Diet Dogmas.

Find out how to determine just the right foods that YOUR body needs.

After all, one man's food can be another man's Poison.



In today's western society, we tend to think of health and wellness in purely physical terms. In reality however, the evolution of disease and thus the key to true healing begins with the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person.

This program enables the participant to build resilience by incorporating the healing practices, strategies, and tools of Heart Math.



Is your child diagnosed with autism, ADD, ADHD, and/or Mood disorders?

During this retreat we will explore the root causes of challenges you are currently facing with your child's difficulties to self-regulate.

Caregivers will be taught the 5 Heart Hacks to build their own resilience and assist their child to heal holistically.



During this retreat, we will journey together through all five areas of Sankofa's Holistic Health Program. Participants will be guided in designing, creating, and implementing their Personalized Health Plan

This 21 Day Retreat combines the key fundamental principles and lessons of the 5 Core Signature Retreats:​

Heal Thyself

Eat to Live

Seasonal Cleanse

Revitalize You

Heart Song.



During this retreat, we will journey together through the Fruit of the Spirit: Humility, Gentleness, Joy, Goodness, Temperance, Love, Patience, Faith, and Peace.

We will learn how to release emotional, mental and spiritual anchors that prevent us from actualizing the deep sense of healing we seek. We will journey along the path that will enable us to attain and maintain mental and emotional wellness.


When you sign up for our newsletter, you will be exposed to an entirely new way of looking at your health. Each newsletter provides strategies that will empower you to create your ideal life.​​

Once you sign up for our newsletter, you will begin receiving a newsletter from our office every other week.


When you register for the course, you will receive training videos on Why People Don't Heal and how YOU can.

You will also receive our Special Report on Integrative Natural Health C.A.R.E. and our e-book Blood Nutrition: Using the Secrets in Your Lab work to Customize your Nutrition Plan.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Michelle Gamble and her associates. Dr. Gamble encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Dr. Gamble does not practice conventional medicine. More specifically, she does not examine, diagnose or treat, or offer to treat or cure or attempt to cure, any mental or physical disease, disorder or illness, or any physical deformity or injury; and Dr. Gamble does not recommend or prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Michelle Gamble and her associates. Dr. Gamble encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Dr. Gamble does not practice conventional medicine. More specifically, she does not examine, diagnose or treat, or offer to treat or cure or attempt to cure, any mental or physical disease, disorder or illness, or any physical deformity or injury; and Dr. Gamble does not recommend or prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing, any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.